Forestry Extension Institute

The main purpose of the Institute is to provide conti­nuing educa­tion and trai­ning in the fore­stry sector and in fore­stry related fields, as well as to heighten public aware­ness to the impor­tance of forestry.

The Forestry Extension Institute is a non-govern­mental orga­ni­sa­tion founded in 1958. The Institute is orga­nised as a part­nership with 37 fore­stry orga­ni­sa­tions and scien­tific insti­tu­tions forming the member­ship. Between 20 and 25 persons are employed at the Institute, half of them being profes­sional fore­sters and exten­sion specialists.



The acti­vities of the Institute are coun­try­wide and cover a large variety of subjects within:
• forest mana­ge­ment
• plan­ning
• economy
• silvi­cul­ture
• ecology and certi­fi­ca­tion
• multiple use of forest land.
• buiding and mainte­nance forest roads
• forest opera­tions and tech­ni­ques
• wild­life and hunting management

For 40 years the Institute has managed the exten­sion programme Activity in Forestry. This programme consists of a number of courses offered to forest owners and forest workers all over the country.

For the teachers and the pupils in the elemen­tary school, the Institute manages an educa­tional programme: Learning with the forest.